Top 12 comfort food spots

Rainy days are approaching, but don't worry, we've got you covered! 🌧️ Check out our latest article revealing the best spots in Brussels to enjoy some heartwarming comfort food. Indulge in deliciously cozy dishes that will make you forget about the gloomy weather. Bon appétit!🥙🍔

Bap & Dak
đź“ŤRue Lesbroussart 55, 1050 Ixelles
Korean comfort food. Two absolute must-tries here are the Stir-Fried Glass Noodles and the tofu! They are absolutely amazing!

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Tontons resto​
📍Rue du Doyenné 69, 1180 Uccle

Italian spaghetti bistro with a belgian twist serving up comforting pasta dishes. Here, you definitely can't miss the Bolognese pasta! 

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La Meute
đź“ŤRue Lesbroussart 6, 1050 Ixelles
Looking for a good steak and fries or a delicious hamburger? Look no further than La meute. (Burger vege possible) 

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đź“ŤRue Duquesnoy 5, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

Here you can eat fresh pasta... A menu that changes often, to be savored with some good wine!

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Fernand Obb
đź“ŤRue de Tamines 27, 1060 Saint-Gilles

Fernand Obb, the perfect place to savor shrimp croquettes! (the best in Brussels! 

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​📍Chau. de Charleroi 132, 1060 Saint-Gilles
Asian restaurant that offers street food, good music, good cocktails, natural wines and microbrewery beers in a unique setting. 

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La Piola Pizza

đź“ŤPl. Saint-Josse 8, 1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode

Your restaurant la Piola Pizza welcomes you in St Josse and also in Wolf Brussels. They won the best pizza in 2022. We love the variety of pizzas they offer and their warm italian welcome

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Les fils Ă  maman
đź“ŤRue Fourmois 29, 1050 Ixelles

The ideal place to go with family or friends for a good burger, a pasta dish or a delicious beef steak! everything is homemade using fresh, seasonal product, just like at home.

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Le perroquet 
đź“ŤRue Watteeu 31, 1000 Bruxelles
The finest pittas in all their variations! It's always a great idea to visit Le Perroquet

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đź“ŤRue du Bailli 30, 1000 Bruxelles
Home Made burgers & delicious fries! 

The must: you can choose your cheese: reblochon, tomme, bleu, cheddar, biquette , maroilles

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đź“ŤRue Defacqz 24, 1000 Bruxelles

Jacqs is a toastery with grilled cheese in brussels.
The perfect lunch spot for comfort food. 

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Emile Bistro
đź“ŤAv. Emile de Beco 22, 1050 Ixelles

A great neighborhoud restaurant with a wide menu: fish, meat, pasta and salads. They also serve a delicious lunch and afternoon drinks on their sunny terrace

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